『[N80] ☆ 3台セット! ☆ NEC VPN対応高速アクセスルータ UNIVERGE IX2215 ☆ ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc ☆』はヤフオクでから04月16日 05時 02分に出品され04月16日 05時 02分に終了予定です。即決価格は7,500円に設定されています。現在275件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。広島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
出品商品 | メーカー:NEC 商品名 / 型番 :VPN対応高速アクセスルータ UNIVERGE IX2215 付属品 :なし 程度 :中古品になります。キズ・スリキズがあります。 状態 :通電~コンソール出力までの確認となります。※3台セットになります。 コンソール出力結果は次項を参照ください。 |
お取引について | 出品物は写真に写っている物のみです。 取り引きはノークレーム・ノーリターンでお願いします。 お使いのパソコンの使用状況によっては実物と色が異なる場合があります。 神経質な方は入札をお控え下さい。 |
お支払い金額 | お支払い金額は、落札金額+消費税+送料(税込)をお支払いください。 ※当店はオークションストアの為、落札金額に消費税が別途必要になります。 |
発送方法 | 発送方法は、佐川急便の飛脚宅配便(元払い)か、クロネコヤマトの宅急便(元払い)になります。送料(税込)は以下になります。・佐川急便 北海道 北東北・九州 南東北・中国・四国 関東・信越・北陸・関西 中部 ※沖縄・その他離島の場合の送料は入札の前にお問い合わせください。・クロネコヤマト 北海道 北東北・九州 南東北・中国・四国 関東・信越・北陸・中部・関西 沖縄 |
発送について | 落札者様よりオーダーフォームの返信後、入金確認が出来ましたら2~3営業日後に発送します。 商品を発送しましたらご連絡致します。 |
コンソール | *****1台目*********************************************NEC Diagnostic SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%DIAG-INFO: Starting System POST(Power On Self Test)DRAM TEST 1: PassDRAM TEST 2: PassNVRAM TEST: Pass CPU TEST: Pass PLD TEST: Pass GE0 TEST: Pass GE1 TEST: PassGE2(SW-HUB)1-8 TEST: Pass BRI TEST: Pass USB TEST: Pass1.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 0.987V Pass1.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 1.481V Pass2.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 2.457V Pass3.3 VOLTAGE STATUS: 3.268V Pass5.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 4.966V PassTEMPERATURE STATUS: +27.0degC PassNEC Bootstrap SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%BOOT-INFO: Trying flash load, exec-image [ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc].Loading: ############################################################################ [OK]Starting at 0x20000Configuring router subsystems (before IDB proc): done.Constructing IDB(Interface Database): done.Configuring router subsystems (after IDB proc): done.Initializing router subsystems: done.Starting router subsystems: done.All router subsystems coming up.NEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareCopyright Notices:Copyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.Copyright (c) 1985-1998 OpenROUTE Networks, Inc.Copyright (c) 1984-1987, 1989 J. Noel Chiappa.Router# show versionNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 8.10.11B, MAINTENANCE RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Dec 06-Fri-2013 14:45:35 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-8.10(11)ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 3.2System Diagnostic, Version 3.2Initialization Program, Version 3.1System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by power-onSystem started at May 18-Thu-2023 18:49:26 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc"Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage:1.0 volt line not measured1.5 volt line not measured2.5 volt line not measured3.3 volt line not measured5.0 volt line not measured Internal temperature:Internal temperature not measuredRouter# *****2台目*********************************************NEC Diagnostic SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%DIAG-INFO: Starting System POST(Power On Self Test)DRAM TEST 1: PassDRAM TEST 2: PassNVRAM TEST: Pass CPU TEST: Pass PLD TEST: Pass GE0 TEST: Pass GE1 TEST: PassGE2(SW-HUB)1-8 TEST: Pass BRI TEST: Pass USB TEST: Pass1.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 0.987V Pass1.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 1.481V Pass2.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 2.444V Pass3.3 VOLTAGE STATUS: 3.251V Pass5.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 4.888V PassTEMPERATURE STATUS: +31.0degC PassNEC Bootstrap SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%BOOT-INFO: Trying flash load, exec-image [ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc].Loading: ############################################################################ [OK]Starting at 0x20000Configuring router subsystems (before IDB proc): done.Constructing IDB(Interface Database): done.Configuring router subsystems (after IDB proc): done.Initializing router subsystems: done.Starting router subsystems: done.All router subsystems coming up.NEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareCopyright Notices:Copyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.Copyright (c) 1985-1998 OpenROUTE Networks, Inc.Copyright (c) 1984-1987, 1989 J. Noel Chiappa.Router# show versionNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 8.10.11B, MAINTENANCE RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Dec 06-Fri-2013 14:45:35 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-8.10(11)ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 3.2System Diagnostic, Version 3.2Initialization Program, Version 3.1System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by power-onSystem started at May 18-Thu-2023 18:50:07 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc"Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage:1.0 volt line not measured1.5 volt line not measured2.5 volt line not measured3.3 volt line not measured5.0 volt line not measured Internal temperature:Internal temperature not measuredRouter# *****3台目*********************************************NEC Diagnostic SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%DIAG-INFO: Starting System POST(Power On Self Test)DRAM TEST 1: PassDRAM TEST 2: PassNVRAM TEST: Pass CPU TEST: Pass PLD TEST: Pass GE0 TEST: Pass GE1 TEST: PassGE2(SW-HUB)1-8 TEST: Pass BRI TEST: Pass USB TEST: Pass1.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 0.987V Pass1.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 1.466V Pass2.5 VOLTAGE STATUS: 2.457V Pass3.3 VOLTAGE STATUS: 3.251V Pass5.0 VOLTAGE STATUS: 4.940V PassTEMPERATURE STATUS: +29.0degC PassNEC Bootstrap SoftwareCopyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.%BOOT-INFO: Trying flash load, exec-image [ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc].Loading: ############################################################################ [OK]Starting at 0x20000Configuring router subsystems (before IDB proc): done.Constructing IDB(Interface Database): done.Configuring router subsystems (after IDB proc): done.Initializing router subsystems: done.Starting router subsystems: done.All router subsystems coming up.NEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareCopyright Notices:Copyright (c) NEC Corporation 2001-2013. All rights reserved.Copyright (c) 1985-1998 OpenROUTE Networks, Inc.Copyright (c) 1984-1987, 1989 J. Noel Chiappa.Router# show versionNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 8.10.11B, MAINTENANCE RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Dec 06-Fri-2013 14:45:35 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-8.10(11)ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 3.2System Diagnostic, Version 3.2Initialization Program, Version 3.1System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by power-onSystem started at May 18-Thu-2023 18:48:10 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-8.10.11.b.ldc"Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage:1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870VStatus is normal1.5 volt line measured at 1.4805VStatus is normal2.5 volt line measured at 2.4440VStatus is normal3.3 volt line measured at 3.2508VStatus is normal5.0 volt line measured at 4.9400VStatus is normal Internal temperature:Internal temperature measured at 31.0CStatus is normalRouter# |
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